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Part 1 |

21.11.2004 |

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1.10.2006 |

Turkey, Israel, Syria and Jordan

Getting ready

Glonk, Glonk, Glonk

Three knights and one fair lady

Desert Mountains, sand dunes and camels

Israel, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania

False start

The joys of air travel and the pyramids

Checkpoint Charlie

Nubien Dessert

Of goats and hostages....

Street kids and street cows

The Piston Ring Blues

Jungle Junction

Safahari auf Safari

The school project

The Final Start

Neuigkeiten aus Tansania

Best of Kiddies – funniest quotes

Teil 3|




Rettung des VW-Busses" Kenia / Tansania


He might be a beggar but he´s got a mobile

The VW bus mustn't die!